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SkinClusion: Seeing the Beauty in Our Differences

  • Treatment

We believe that diverse representation in the beauty world matters, and we are committed to working with brands that share a similar vision. We have a wonderfully diverse team at both SkinSolutions.MD and our sister-store Revive Med Spa in San Diego. We are proud to come together and create a workplace that represents our diverse and collective values.

Obagi Medical, a leader in the medical-grade skin care market, launched their SkinClusion initiative a year ago, proving they are no stranger to inclusivity. In fact, Obagi has been using the Fitzpatrick Scale, which is a 1-6 numerical classification system for skin complexions and their reactions to sun exposure, to test their products’ efficacy for the past 30 years.


This scale allows medical dermatology professionals to assess your skin and create a standard of skin care for your specific skin tone, reiterating that there is an Obagi product for everyone.

Nurse Practitioner Mary Eichert, resident Nurse of SkinSolutions.MD and Revive Med Spa in San Diego believes this advanced way of dermatology is important because, “There is no one-solution-fits-all when determining the types of skincare products and treatments that will be effective for everyone,” she said. “All skin types, including age, tone, and texture, make every skin solution unique. One product I do find universally beneficial for all skin is the Obagi Vitamin C serum. It comes in 10%, 15%, and 20% vitamin C strengths and is a powerhouse product to brighten and tighten the skin.”


Obagi’s global initiative, SkinClusion, marks the celebration of diversity and inclusion. This initiative was designed to elevate the global dialogue about diversity and how we can all make conscious choices to see the beauty in all of our differences.


Today and every day, we celebrate with Obagi for putting its commitment to diversity and inclusion front and center. SkinSolutions.MD has stood by their products and their company values since our inception in 2006, and it’s an honor to have carried the Obagi line on our site for the past 13 years.

We hope our ‘SkinClusive’ way of thinking will start a significant shift forward for the entire skin care industry.


We look forward to the future of skincare and can’t wait for our vision of skinclusivity to be embraced worldwide. We will continue to use our platform to create a world where diversity is celebrated. Are you ready to join us?

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